Tuesday, August 23, 2022

I got a message from a neighbor yesterday...

I got a message from a neighbor yesterday... "Is that one of your little dogs constantly barking like in distress?" Me: day or night? and she answered "both". Yes, I'm afraid that IS one of my little dogs barking in "distress"... but not for the reasons you may think. You see, my little Ruby LOVES her blankies. She loves to be covered up, and has done this since we first got her, 6 years ago, as an adult rescue... Ruby will curl and circle under her chosen blankie, until she's cocooned like a little mummy. But 40 seconds after I cover her, she decides that she needs a drink... or to pee... or to grab a single bite of kibble. Then the whining and yipping for "help me get wrapped up again, Mom!!" starts all over again. And God forbid, if one of the other dogs have the nerve to lay on, or even touch "her" blanket, or if I have all her blankets in the wash at the same time. I can wash, dry and fold her blankets, but if I give her the wrong one... she'll yip and bark and whine and carry on like it's the end of the world, until she gets the one she absolutely "needs". Last nights yipping/barking brouhaha was because Dennis Hopper (the toad) was SITTING on her blanket, eyeing a cricket, and she wanted him gone immediately! I moved Dennis, but then Ruby decided that her blankie was now contaminated by toad cooties, and she wanted a nice fresh blanket. Yip yip, whine whine. No... not the clean red one, Mom... no, not the pink one either... "I only want the fuzzy green and white striped blankie right at this exact moment, but that might change in a few minutes." Once I covered her up correctly, she settled right down, with a huge sigh of contentment. But then 30 seconds later, she decided she needed a quick drink of water and to potty... *sigh* So the never ending cycle started all over again. It's caused arguments with Dan and I, always revolving around whose turn it is to cover little Ruby up again... Unfortunately, I usually have to deal with the graveyard shift because Dan can't hear her. But the neighbors can? I think I'm being manipulated on two fronts here... 😉


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