Crawfish queso
2 days ago
Seriously... where does it go? I had every intention of blogging more regularly, especially now that I'm retired and don't have to try and fit precious "me time" into my day, anymore.
But I guess like Robert Burns said,
"The best laid plans of mice and men, often go awry."
Or maybe it's just a simple matter of finally living my life to suit myself, instead of letting life rule me.
Whatever it is, I know that I miss having this special, small amount of time to blog on a regular basis. I'm going to try harder, and hopefully schedule some of the early morning hours, for spending time on here. I'm usually up at 4am or so, but the "at 'em" part sometimes takes a little longer to kick in. Not that it's wasted time...
Oh no! It's never wasted!
Sitting outside at 4am with a cup of coffee or two, enjoying the snugly company of our cats and dogs, listening to the wild birds waking up, and the Whippoorwills singing their final songs before their bedtime... all the while spending some much needed time with my Lord... Well, it's the perfect way to start to my day.
But the rest of the day? Pffft! Who knows what happens to it?
Gardening, (it's going abysmally this year, due to what seems like never ending rain) planting native trees and plants all up and down the hillsides on the property, trying to fit in creek time, along with housework, trying new-to-me recipes or our old favorites... well, it seems that the days just fly by.
I really want to do this, so we'll see how it goes.