Sunday, February 24, 2019

Happy Birthday to my Etchy June...


I was sitting outside this morning with my first cup of coffee for the day, thinking of my youngest sister celebrating her 1st birthday in Heaven today. 
She would have / should have, been 63 today.

So I was talking to God like I always do in the early mornings, and I asked him to tell my sister Leslie, that I was thinking of her on her birthday. 
When we were little, I could never say "Leslie June", so the best I could do was call her 
"Etchy June".
 And "Etchy June" is what she remained to me, for all of her life - up until her death in May of last year.

Suddenly, I was treated to 7-10 beautiful Cardinals feeding right in front of me! (they were hard to count, because they kept kept hopping and moving around!) 

 If Cardinals are visitors from Heaven like the old-timers say, then I was truly blessed with a visit this morning!! Instead of gifting my baby sister Leslie on her birthday.... 
I think she was gifting me.

Happy Birthday to my baby sister...

Friday, February 8, 2019

Up The Holler

Up The Holler

After far too many days of freezing temperatures keeping me from going outside, we've finally warmed up today!  I think Dan said that we're up to almost 47° right now, which means it's warmed up 25 ° since I got up this morning!

It's lovely outside right now, so I decided to head  up the road across from our house, and do some exploring up the holler leading up to Miz Elizabeths old house up on the hill.
Nobody lives there anymore, because the house is falling apart, but it's one of my favorite places to just sit and soak up the peace and quiet, and the natural beauty.

I headed out without taking my gun, so I decided that I wouldn't go too far up the holler... because running into feral hogs is not the best way to start your day out right.
More than likely,  you'll end up finishing your day - permanently.
Hogs are not our friends.

Everything is still pretty bare up that way, but I find that it's breathtakingly beautiful, just the same.
Or maybe it's because of that
God's beauty is wondrous, isn't it?



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