Sunday, February 24, 2019

Happy Birthday to my Etchy June...


I was sitting outside this morning with my first cup of coffee for the day, thinking of my youngest sister celebrating her 1st birthday in Heaven today. 
She would have / should have, been 63 today.

So I was talking to God like I always do in the early mornings, and I asked him to tell my sister Leslie, that I was thinking of her on her birthday. 
When we were little, I could never say "Leslie June", so the best I could do was call her 
"Etchy June".
 And "Etchy June" is what she remained to me, for all of her life - up until her death in May of last year.

Suddenly, I was treated to 7-10 beautiful Cardinals feeding right in front of me! (they were hard to count, because they kept kept hopping and moving around!) 

 If Cardinals are visitors from Heaven like the old-timers say, then I was truly blessed with a visit this morning!! Instead of gifting my baby sister Leslie on her birthday.... 
I think she was gifting me.

1 comment:

Leilani Schuck Weatherington said...

There are four of us sibs and I often wonder who will be the first of us to die. I can hardly bear the thought that my sister or brothers will be gone. I am sorry that you have had to say farewell for now to your sister. Recently there was a report of an elderly woman in NC dying after a mysterious animal attack while she was walking in the country. It was probably dogs, but I immediately thought of your earlier post about feral hogs. Scary


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