But you can't make him eat his dinner!
I don't know who let the Young Lad get away with eating only what he wants, but let me tell you... the kid is driving me bonkers when it comes to meal times!
He "only" likes certain foods, and no matter what I make or how I try and adapt it for him, he always says "I don't like this" and he pushes it away.
Fair enough... There are plenty of things I don't like either, but let me tell ya something, lad...
I am NOT running a restaurant here, and you either eat what I present to you, or you can go hungry.
Pure and simple.
I don't know what his past carers were like, but somewhere along the line, the lad has decided that he only likes spaghetti bolognase and garlic bread.
Or fast food.
I do know that when he goes to visit his mother on Tuesdays, he always comes home stuffed from eating fish and chips, and when I asked what's his favorite meal that mum makes is, he said "fish and chips from the takeaway"
He's slowly learning the rules of this household... but not fast enough to suit me!
He doesn't eat pork chops.
He only likes instant mashed potatoes.
Veggies make him feel sick.
He won't eat anything with butter in it or on it.
Milk is only for cows...
And salad is the worst thing ever invented.
He 'does' like my Sloppy Joes though, and will ask for seconds or thirds, but he refuses to eat the salad that's on his plate.
Oy Vey!!
Man can NOT live by Sloppy Joes alone, Lad!!
(But please don't tell him that I would like to give it a try, myself!! But the difference between us is, that I would more than happily eat the salad.)
All in all - eating habits notwithstanding - Lad has settled in extremely well... and it's working for both of us.
He's getting used to the rules and regulations, decent homecooked meals and a regular bedtime, as well as doing chores and using his manners at all times.
I'm getting used to loud music, a myriad of strange looking girls lurking around outside the house, and continual boy messes.
Oh... and scraping his plate into the garbage...

Gee, I thought all 16 year old boys ate anything you put in front of them. Bri has a boyfriend who will hoover down anything I care to offer him which makes him a pleasure to have around. Stick at it and I'm sure he'll come around,
PS Don't give in to powdered potato! Erk!
You are going to be up for sainthood soon. Sounds like a battle of wits. Good luck my friend. I am glad that there have been good moments as well and the battles at the dinner table.henulat
And they say Mother Teresa was the last Saint to live ....
I, too, am astonished that this young man is such a picky, picky, eater. We used to tease S-I-L (Bz' Handsome Husband) saying he was like "Mikey" ... he would eat anything! It seemed impossible to fill those two long, empty legs .. that was until I made The Duck a mincemeat pie ... S-I-L almost puked!!!
Damaged goods. Is it food or control? He is the right place. Your good medicine Tater Mama. As you win his trust his palate will improve. hopefully he has a counsellor. Food issues are not restricted to females and he has got some doesn't he. Hang in there your a trouper. Negative attention is better than none isn't it? I think your rule of eat it or go hungry is just right. And I wouldn't make anything out of it just ignore the behaviors he has that you don't like about food. Maybe you should tell him he is excused from the table when he complains and scrape that plate. Hunger is a good teacher.
Damaged goods. Is it food or control? He is the right place. Your good medicine Tater Mama. As you win his trust his palate will improve. hopefully he has a counsellor. Food issues are not restricted to females and he has got some doesn't he. Hang in there your a trouper. Negative attention is better than none isn't it? I think your rule of eat it or go hungry is just right. And I wouldn't make anything out of it just ignore the behaviors he has that you don't like about food. Maybe you should tell him he is excused from the table when he complains and scrape that plate. Hunger is a good teacher.
You have the patience of a saint. It would be very hard to deal with this but considering the baggage he comes with I think you have to deal with this a little differently that if you had raised him. You are doing great.
My hat is off to you...
You are doing the right thing! Let him go hungry if he doesn´t want to eat what You give him! Sooner or later he might even try salad :-) :-) :-)
Keep on the good work!
What a kid! But actually I remember myself also refusing to eat many things which now I eat with real pleasure:)
Follow my recipe, and add oatmeal to the sloppy joes. He'll never know, and you'll sneak nutrition into the kid. I'm just thankful that my arriving house guests already know that special orders DO upset us!
You should tell him that a lack of variety, especially veggies will lead to Erectal Dysfuntion and baldness...quote The American Journal of Medicine.
I'm thinking along the lines of some of the others. If there is nothing available except what is prepared, he will soon learn to eat and enjoy it. With my picky 3 year old, when he gets down from the table I pick up his plate and empty it. When he comes back I tell him I thought he was finished and he can eat at the next meal. His parents allow him to graze, but he is quickly learning it does not work with Gramma.
Erectile dysfunction!!! Scarey. Think we will have veggies for dinner tonight.:)
Hey, Kerry's answer should get him to thinking--or worrying??? HA HA!
You are a much more patient woman than I am! My hat's off to you, Katie Tatie!
You are on the right track, my friend! Just trust your judgement and all will be well!
Howdy Kate, Hope you're doing alright.
(my 2 cents...)
How about telling him the story of a certain ex-husband that complained about good home cooking?? (I'm thinking it invloved a can of dog food).
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