I have to tell you, I've never been so happy to see the backsides of my kids, as I was Friday evening.
Not that I'm ever particularly thrilled to see their backsides in the first place... but you know what I mean.
But it had been a long fortnight, with a lot of overnight care and hard-to-handle kids.
Not bad kids... Just ones with issues.
Anyway, once they were all gone, I managed to fit in a shower and a change of clothes before heading off to the Aspergers seminar Friday night... And I have to tell ya, the evening was a rousing success! (which means that I managed to more than stay awake through it.)
In fact, I think I can honestly say that it was one of the absolute best work-related seminars I've ever attended - bar none!
The speaker was great... he shared lots of personal - and funny- anecdotes and he kept us all riveted for 3 and a half hours.
Now I don't mean to toot my own horn here, but after decades of working with children on the Autism/Aspergers spectrum, I know a lot.
And I'm good at what I do.
I've learned a lot of my lessons the hard way, and by being completely hands-on... so I have pretty good insight into what makes most of my young charges tick, and I've learned - and implemented- the techniques needed to deal with them.
Most seminars I attend, along with the speakers who speak at us, are less than inspiring... and I can sit through hours of droning, repetitious, boring ear-bashing talk, thinking "well duh".
While I'm awake, that is.
They fulfill my annual course requirements... but that's about all.
But honest to God, this was the first speaker I have ever encountered who actually knew, from a hands-on perspective - what he was talking about. It wasn't just 'book-learnin' and repeating what he's read" with him... it was more a "down and dirty from working in the actual trenches" kind of thing.
Because not only is he a psychologist who deals with these kids on a daily basis, his son is on the spectrum as well... so his love and understanding of the subject came shining through.
And I got to bask in the glow.
By the time we got home, (I had taken 2 friends with me) my brain was firing on all cylinders, and I was walking on air.
I was feeling inspired and rejuvenated.
Which is a complete bitch when it's almost midnight, and all I just really wanted to do was go to bed.
And sleep.
Thank the Lord for Sleepy Time Tea, is all I can say.
It worked a treat.
I even managed to sleep until 7am yesterday morning... which if you know me at all, is like 3 hours longer than normal - no matter what time I go to bed.
And yesterday?
Yesterday involved a whole lot of this...
Then some of this
Along with some of this as well

And then this... Martin Clunes "Islands of Britain". Which has some amazing scenery... as well as a good healthy dose of eye candy.
He makes me want to move to Eigg.
And then immediately afterwards, "Doc Martin"... starring Martin Clunes again.
He still makes me want to move somewhere. Wherever he is
Even though he looks constipated.
And then right back to this:

I ask you...Does it get any better than that?
Today we're off to Costco with Miz K... and then I'm right back to a whole lot of nothing-ness.
Life's good.