Monday, November 23, 2009
Just shoot me
Woke yesterday morning at unGodly hour (3:10) with massive migraine headache.
Took tablets and drank copious amounts of coffee, because needed to go to Costco with a friend, to buy party foods for her birthday.
During hour and twenty minute drive, regretted drinking copious amounts of coffee, and that truck is not equipped with vomitorium.
Took more tablets.
Later, felt somewhat better, and had a lovely dinner of Caesar salad, finished with Rocky Road ice cream.
Went to bed early, rather than watch Two and a Half Men on telly, with sunglasses on.
Not Two and a Half Men wearing sunglasses... me.
Because flickering telly light hurts my head.
Woke this morning at 2am, with head again threatening to split and spill brains all over pillow.
Got up, took more tablets and am again in the process of drinking copious amounts of coffee.
But thankful for having toilet nearby this time.
For various reasons.
Then lightbulb in head went off. Creating even more pain.
Chocolate. Chocolate in Rocky Road ice cream.
Which I ate, 2 nights running.
Cheap chocolate causes me to have migraines.
Which causes me to speak in short, terse sentences.
Like this.
So I ask you again...
Please shoot me.
Friday, November 20, 2009
What a week THAT was..
Oh, nothing major, and nothing worth getting into a tizzy about, but it just seems that there has been one mini-drama after another, all week long... and even the good stuff has been somewhat dramatical.
(is "dramatical" even a word? Well, if it isn't, it should be.
Because I said so.
Last Friday saw me tearing out my hair over my young lad with autism, because he's been in a teenager-ish kind of mood lately... and here I thought it couldn't get much worse.
But it did.
See, 'young lad' is becoming a man, and because of that, he's discovered the joys of, ahem...
Well, I think you can figure out what I'm saying here.
Or rather what I'm not saying.
Because I'm not saying it.
Luckily, I managed to get an emergency cleaner in... and those guys were fantastic! They dealt with it all, in hardly any time at all... they didn't bat an eyelash when I explained what was on the walls and curtains...
Plus, they even went so far as to come back at the end of the day and steam clean the rest of the carpets throughout the whole house.
Not that the carpets were affected, but hey, when someone else is paying... why not?
I would recommend those cleaners to anyone.
If I could just remember who they were.
Then Monday found us heading to the travel agents, to book our trip to the US... so I've been doing the proverbial "happy dance" all week.
The flights are all paid for, and I'm rarin' to go... but there's one little niggley bit that we haven't worked out yet.
Well maybe two... if you count not yet having informed my son that we're coming.
See, we're bringing a friend with us, because her husband has finally decided that after all these years of her being a rabid Elvis fan, (if there's a word that means more rabid-er than just plain rabid, feel free to insert it here) as well as cooking his meals and scrubbing his unmentionables, that she's entitled to finally see Graceland.
(Well not Elvis' meals and jocks. Although I doubt if you would hear her complain about doing anything for him.
I meant her husbands dinners and undies.)
Now, we're having a hard time figuring out flight prices from San Francisco to Memphis, but I guess we have a little bit of time to get the details worked out, since we aren't even heading over until April 10th.
Except for the fact that we've already reserved a room at to Elvis' Heartbreak Hotel on a certain date.
Like you do.
Especially when you put the cart before the horse and you're about to culminate a lifelong dream.
Well, to be honest, it's her dream... not necessarily mine, but hey, why not see Graceland while we can, eh?
Anyway, it's been a hell of a week around here, and I'm glad to finally have the weekend off.
All the more time to bore you with the minutia of my life, eh?
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Zombie Chickens... oh my goodness!
Or a review of the cult classic,"Poultrygeist", perhaps?
Or even my pitifully sung rendition of "Poultry in Motion"?
Alas... no.
It's an award!
An award that was, ahem... awarded to me, by none other than Ladybird World Mother.
And just like Ladybird World Mother, I have a habit of saving the awards awarded to me by my lovely fellow bloggers, and sticking them in a folder on my desktop, for when I get around to doing them justice.
Which just goes to show that I am incredibly slack.
Not ungrateful, just... slack.
I have yet to do justice to the last 4 awards that I've recieved... So if you've been kind to me and awarded me with something , and it seems that I haven't paid much attention... well please know that I'm just hopeless.
Not uncaring.
My accountant, and the girls in the office would agree with me.
And that may very well be the reason that I am seldom paid on time.
"The blogger who receives this award believes in the Tao of the zombie chicken – excellence, grace and persistence in all situations, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse.
These amazing bloggers regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens just to be able to read their inspiring words. As a recipient of this world-renowned award, you now have the task of passing it on to at least 5 other worthy bloggers. Do not risk the wrath of the zombie chickens by choosing unwisely or not choosing at all."
Now, I was going to just post this award and leave it as a sort of free-for-all for anyone to grab... but after reading it through, it seems that I'll incur the wrath of the dreaded zombie chickens if I don't personally select 5 recipients.
So rather than risk the wrath of undead, zombified poultry, I'm selecting 5 fellow bloggers to award this lovely little gem to.
And I'm doing it semi-scientifically.
By closing my eyes and stabbing at the blogger list on my compter screen.
So, without further ado, here goes:
1. Reddirt Woman. You'll smile, you'll cry, you'll laugh your patootie off!
But this girl just doesn't talk dirt... She gets absolutely covered in mud... and she posts the photos to prove it! And her tootsies? Gorgeous!
And anyone who takes photos of men in chaps... *sigh* Well, that makes her aces in my book!
2. Modern Day Ozzie and Harriet. Marjie can single-handedly take the blame for the size of my arse... because if she posts a recipe, I just have to try it! Thanks to her recipe, I now make my own mayo, and it beats Best Foods hands down! The woman can cook !! And the best part is, she's down-to-earth and talented.. and just a lovely person to spend some time with.
And her Thor? Omigosh, I want one of him!
3. Coffee with the Hermit is a newfound treasure... And if you stop on by, HermitJim will make you feel right at home - and he's already got the coffee pot ready and waiting for y'all...
4. sidewalk shoes ... Pam is just a sweetheart. and I always love sitting down and having a good gander at what she's written. But be prepared to drool... the photos alone, are to die for!
Not that the weekend cat blogging photos make me want to drool... but they do make me smile!
5. The Mosquitoes Buzz ... Bz is... well, what can I say? She's funny, delightful, open and honest... and the girls in her family are all a treat!
( and make sure you check out her mama's blog while you're there!)
Plus, she's got great pins!
Okay... that concludes my "semi-scientifically chosen " five recipients.
But I have more.
No, I'm not going to list them here, but if you ever get a chance, check out all the folks on my blog list.
They're all worth a read. Each and every one of 'em.
And who knows?
You might just find another blog to add to your list!
Friday, November 13, 2009
I'm not alone anymore...
Someone call Funk and Wagnells for me, please...
definition: A crazy person who's absolutely addicted to checking out her feedjit.
And that makes her a bit of an idiot.
An idiot who has no life.
Because this particular little feedjitiot is doing her damn best not to do any housework today.
Or do anything constructive, for that matter.
Like doing last nights dinner dishes, (I didn't really say that out loud, did I?) or removing the towels from the dryer.
So, I just love checking out the feedjit thingie when I'm killin' time... mainly because I love seeing who may have popped in, where they popped in from, whether or not they left a comment, and I love seeing what (or who) may have led them here...
And sometimes the results worry me.
Now I can understand that there are other Crisco devotees out there... but are they devotees for the same reasons that I am?
I sort of suspect not, if some of the entries are anything to go by.
And I can also understand someone googling stuff like "chocolate ripple cake" or "scary Aussie animals", because I've done it myself...
But who in the world would ever think of googling "Crisco for dry eyes" or sexschop crisco"?
Or even "you know I love my Old Guy, right?"
Now here, for your viewing pleasure (or not, depending on how much of a life you may have) is a list of what's come in the the last 24 hours.
And it makes me scratch my head.
(I did edit it down a bit though... since I'm kind of focusing on the weird and wacky here.
Not that Ladybird World Mother is the least bit wacky, but please click on her anyway, because if you haven't read her blog before... I can almost guarantee she'll make your day.
And besides... it will give you a wonderful excuse for not doing your particular household chores.
You'll thank me.
I know you will :)
London arrived from on "Tatersmama's take on things".
06:58:28 -- 8 minutes ago
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland arrived from on "Tatersmama's take on things: You know I love my Old Guy... right?".
05:32:54 -- 1 hour 34 mins ago
Sosnowiec, Katowice arrived from on "Tatersmama's take on things: My (not so ) Secret Crisco Obsession" by searching for sexschop crisco.
05:17:13 -- 1 hour 49 mins ago
Milan, Lombardia arrived from on "Tatersmama's take on things".
22:16:53 -- 8 hours 50 mins ago
Melbourne, Victoria arrived from on "Tatersmama's take on things: Quick and Easy Aussie recipe... Chocolate Ripple Cake".
22:00:28 -- 9 hours 6 mins ago
Montgomery, Alabama arrived from on "Tatersmama's take on things: My (not so ) Secret Crisco Obsession" by searching for crisco for dry eyes.
15:07:05 -- 16 hours ago
Sydney, New South Wales arrived from on "Tatersmama's take on things: Quick and Easy Aussie recipe... Chocolate Ripple Cake".
14:06:04 -- 17 hours 1 min ago
Soddy Daisy, Tennessee arrived from on "Tatersmama's take on things: Who ever said I was PC?".
12:28:15 -- 1 hour 20 mins ago
(This one has absolutely nothin' to do with anything.... other than I love the name "Soddy Daisy"... ain't it great?)
10:12:33 -- 3 hours 36 mins ago
Melbourne, Victoria arrived from on "Tatersmama's take on things: Quick and Easy Aussie recipe... Chocolate Ripple Cake".
10:01:13 -- 3 hours 47 mins ago
Wageningen, Gelderland arrived from on "Tatersmama's take on things: My (not so ) Secret Crisco Obsession" by searching for another use for crisco.
02:58:04 -- 10 hours 50 mins ago
South Melbourne, Victoria arrived from on "Tatersmama's take on things: Quick and Easy Aussie recipe... Chocolate Ripple Cake".
15:37:56 -- 22 hours 11 mins ago
Baldwin Park, California arrived from on "Tatersmama's take on things: My (not so ) Secret Crisco Obsession".
13:39:15 -- 1 day ago
Birmingham, Alabama arrived from on "Tatersmama's take on things: Watch out! It'll get ya! (for my Grandsons!)".
10:49:35 -- 1 day 2 hours ago
Okay. Now go do your chores.
And while you're doing them, ponder my sad, obsessed and empty life.
Feedjitiot that I am....
Who ever said I was PC?
See, I had another carer around for coffee the other day, and she spied my box of Christmas decorations sitting by the table.
She then asked me if I planned on using the big window banner that says "Merry Christmas",
and I told her I was.
She then went into this whole big spiel about how - here in daycare at least - that we're supposed to say "Happy Holidays", instead of "Merry Christmas'.
Rather than offend anyone, don't ya know...
And I told her that while we were so busy 'not offending' other people, that I was being offended myself... by having to deny my beliefs.
Because see, I believe in Christ. (and he believes in me)
I celebrate his coming into the world... because I'm a believer.
It doesn't matter to me what you believe, but please... don't tell me to deny Christ.
Because I won't.
I don't cram my beliefs down anyones throat... and I sure as hell don't tell them that they're wrong for believing in whatever it is that they believe in.
But around here? In my own home?
Jesus is the 'reason for the season'... at least in this household.
We've been told not to say "Ho Ho Ho", because some people might find it offensive.
Too bad...
We've been told to say "Father Christmas" instead of Santa Claus...
Too bad.
Hey, you can say what you want to say, and you can believe what you want to believe...
because I'm easy that way.
I certainly don't ask anyone to deny their beliefs, just because I may not necessarily believe the same thing they do.
I "judge not".
But around here, Christ is King.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Daunted. That's me

(Just imagine this guy in tight little short-shorts... and all sweaty. Oh, and minus the cuffs.)
He was an ex "Thunder From Down Under" dancer. No word of a lie.
The problem was, that all my clients and friends would just "happen to drop by" on Wednesday afternoons, and it got to the point where I could have quit doing childcare and simply made a fortune charging an admission price.
I would have 15-20 women in my backyard when I was trying to run a business here... and well, it just didn't work out.
Besides, my heart couldn't take it anyway.
Then there was Elvis.
I kid you not. His name was Elvis Presley.
I'm pretty sure that his mother didn't name him Elvis, and his daddy wasn't a Presley, but he was a bit of a fan I guess ... and he had his name changed legally.
Elvis was good... and we were definitely in agreement when it came to weeding.
The only problem was, Elvis was "special needs", and had urinary incontinence problems to boot, so he was in and out of the house constantly to use the loo.
Then he would forget to close the back door when he went back out, and the children kept escaping.
Plus, childcare regulations state that any male over the age of 17 who comes into my household, has to have a current police clearance... and Elvis didn't understand that.
Then there was Clarry.
Bless his heart.
Clarry was so old that he couldn't bend down to do the weeding anymore, but he could still push the mower around.
The problem was, Clarry couldn't start the mower, so I would have to go out and do it for him, and then he would lean on it like a walker, and keep walking around in circles until the grass was all cut. Then I would have to go out and empty the catcher for him.
The problem with Clarry was, he charged by the hour... whereas Alex and Elvis charged a set amount.
One week, it would cost me $30, and the next, it could cost me $50... depending on how speedy he was.
But Clarry had a heart attack while mowing the neighbors grass and even though he wanted to come back once he was on his feet again, I didn't want him dropping dead in my yard.
Or anybodies yard for that matter.
So I'm gardener-less now.
Except for the Old Guy.
Lord have mercy on me...
Because I am daunted.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
It was the best of times... it really was.