There are a couple of giveaways coming your way!
I'm getting close to hitting 200 posts... and there will be a semi-major giveaway to celebrate that one (don't get too excited folks, but I'll do my best to make it memorable)
And as well, there will be a small giveaway of a "as yet to be determined" goodie bag or box or maybe even envelope... for the person who is the 12,000 visitor to my blog.
So... how this is gonna work, is like this.
When I hit 200 posts, all commenter' s comments on that particular post, will go into the draw, (or hat or bowl or whatever) and a name will be randomly drawn. Since I only have about 53 followers, your chances are pretty darn good - being as that will be a 1 in 53 chance to win.
Depending on how many times you comment of course. And how many lookie-lou's show up.
And a whole host of other possible variables. It could be that you're just one of thousands, but I seriously doubt that - so think happy thoughts, okay?
And just to add that extra little frisson of excitement, the name will be drawn by no other than.... the Old Guy, wearing his lucky "I feel lucky" boxer shorts.
(hey, I bought them for him, and he never wears them... so now he'll feel
So the Old Guy will be doing the whole reach into the "whatever" and randomly pulling out a name", thing.
In his underpants.
How's that for exciting?
I might even post photos. Nah... never mind.
Now, if all goes to plan, I should be reaching the 200 posts milestone in about a week or so, but this is my little way of making sure that you keep coming back.
So you can plan your life around me for a change, and stop thinking only of yourself. Or your family. Or your boss.
You want me to wash the car before my sisters wedding?
Oh, but honey... I need to sit right here in the computer chair and keep an eye on Tatersmama's posts so I can win some worthless crap.
You want dinner, child of mine?
Didn't I just feed you yesterday? Can't you see I'm busy watching Tatermama's posts?
You want me to work back, at double the pay?
Okay, but I'm warning you, I'll be on the computer watching to see what Tatersmama does... if that's okay with you of course, boss.
Now, I'll be heartbroken if I find out that you're only coming around for the goodies and not my
For the other draw, the person who is the 12,000th visitor will win a prize package as well.... but this one is entirely up to you.
YOU need to comment or inform me in some fashion, so that I can determine exactly who hit the golden number.
Well, I guess I could count the numbers on my feedjit thingie, but YOU must be responsible for leaving me a note telling me that you're number 12,000.
And try to sound excited, okay ?
Now, I'm going to try and tailor the gifts to the individual, so the contents may vary a bit from person to person and country to country, but I'm going to do my best to make you smile - if not squeal out loud, with excitement.
How does that sound?
Like they say with the lottery here, "Ya gotta be in it... to win it!"
Oooo, a giveaway, I guess I'll show up for that. Er, I mean you keep me in stitches, laughing a thousand times a minute! *grin*
No seriously, you do keep me laughing!
You know that I would drop by to visit no matter what, even without a giveaway.
Happy 200th
Kate, my butt is already glued to my computer chair! Wait its 80 degrees out it melted into the chair, oh hurry, hurry, so I can get out of the chair!
oh I needed your light hearted humor today. Long, long day.
I would never, ever just come around for 'worthless crap'. I know I'll get some kinda good crap it I win it. TatersMama would only give away good crap. And, of course, it was only for the crap that I came around in the first place... and all the laughs that brought me back. I love you, Katie. You bring me great joy.
Happy 10th Anniversary a day late!
Today I'm #11935
When I win - I want an envelope...with a round trip ticket to Oz. When I arrive, I will try very hard, to thwart the bacon and Crisco sniffing airport security dogs!
Who knew that The Old Guys drawers could hold something so good?
You are a riot! The old guy in his underpants, that is hilarious! I would come back anyway!
Hilarious and looking forward to your post anyway and bounus of a give a way Yehaw..count me in..as I have been known to be the local blog stalker ;-)
You my friend are about as goofy as they get! And thats a good thing! Altho I would love to see the said undies! LOL
We'd come for a visit with or without a give away!
I come for your humor, common sense, interesting posts, words of wisdom, cool pics, and also for your challenges--such as the refrigerator challenge that you think I *cheated on!* (I wasn't cheating. Honest. I was just very, very late.) ;-)
Now I'm going to try to win your giveaway and be your 12,000 visitor.
You don't have to have a giveaway to get me to read your blog, you silly woman. I love to read everything you have to say!
Michaela.... Ahhhh, so the truth now comes out! ;-)
Jen, I KNOW that, darlin'!! And thank you for the anniversary wishes. :-)
Marilyn, I dunno, I may drag this out for a while! I'm kind of having fun visualizing you glued to your chair. LOL!
Paula, I'm sorry it's been one of "those days", but I'll be around to check on you in just a little bit, okay?
Helen, I'll do my best to make sure I only have good crap then.
And I love you too, you know! ;-)
Country Whispers, Thanks! It was pretty much a non-event, but I did get a lovely tarp for our anniversary! Be still, my beating heart! LOL!
Libby, I don't know that what's he's got is too surprising (once you've seen one, you've seen them all) but he is remarkable cute in them.
Don't you remember what happened to Robynn though when SHE tried sneaking contraband into Oz?
Oh... the tantrums and carrying on!
I'll just take you and you can leave the bacon at home....how's that?
Nancy M, It's good to know that you're not just here for the Old Guy's underpants. ;-) You would be bitterly disappointed I'm afraid! *snort*
darsden, It's always good to see you around here and I almost miss your stalking. Maybe this giveaway will bring you back out of the woodwork, eh? ;-)
Katidids, Maybe I should just retract the offer of the giveaway and simply post a photo of the Old Guy in his drawers? What do you think?
Nah... never mind. I want you to keep coming back!
I seem to be the only person here that dosn't know how to check the fidjit thingamajig......How do you even know how many people visit????Right I'm of to work out how to get a fedgit doda.....
P.S Photos please of the old guy in lucky boxers....we all need a good laugh..lol...
No pictures of the underpants? We want evidence!
I agree....we need photos of the dude in the underpants!! :-P
Homestay Mama, Man, you're easily pleased, aren't you? But you always make me feel good... :-)
But I still say it's cheating when you go out and buy a NEW clean fridge! LOL!
Becky, That's the joy of being friends! I know you'll be here, no matter how silly I get!!
Mandy, Did you figure the thingy out yet?
And the underpants? I'm going to tell him you said that! ;-)
Jientje, You'll probably regret even asking, but I'll see what I can do. LOL!
He posed prettily for the camera when I showed him The Wifes hubby's cute bottom in tight jeans, so it's just a very small step to undies...
Kurichan, I'll do what I can, but he'll probably go for it, knowing him! He OWES me one anyway, after eating my bunny!
Grrrr! ;-)
Hey- of course I show up now...I know. Been busy paintin here- and since it's raining today, I'm inside...working on my space...I do seriously have primer drying right now...so I'm not monkeying around all the time. Damn camera just stopped- it knew I was thinking of replacing it and so just went and got revenge on me, I guess. So I'll be getting a fancier replacement soon. Hope all is well. Those sound like some undershorts!!!!
Well I'm 11,969... but, I'm not going to try and win because TM's love [and the Old Guy's :-)! ] needs to be spread around ... even IF chocolate Tim Tams are involved {I'm at a sane pregnancy moment (this too shall pass)}.
Point is, I would come around even if prizes and pics of ole blue eyes weren't involved.... ALTHOUGHHH.... he in his boxers would be a "drawer" I think.
I actually, would like to have some worthless crap...so I'm gonna keep dropping by. Crisco or no Crisco.
Today I am number 11,976. Only 24 visits to go!
I am #11977
I shall return soon. But I don't win stuff anyway. But I do enjoy visiting you, and enjoy your comments. Hope you try the mayo soon!
Love it!! You always bring a smile to my face...and thank you for such kind words of encouragement over on my blog! Love ya!! :)
Well I'm 12001 so looks like I was pipped at the post. I've finally managed to get here - I'm having trouble with server as well. Could it be the glorious rain?
My word is 'taroo' It was almost 'Woo hoo! I'm excited! Yea haw!' Oh well, maybe next time.
It all sounds exciting to me. Well, except the Old Guy in boxers. That wore off a few decades ago. LOL..
What I need to win is time. I just can't find it anymore.
Where does it all go???
Congrats. on your 10th anniversary also.
Have a great day.
Well, you know I read you daily! And dang, I just missed the 12,000 by 10 people!
You ALWAYS got somethin' good goin' on over here! I'm SORRY TO BE SO ABSENT! I'm missing out on my side of Tater's! I'm as busy as a one-legged man in a butt kickin' contest but next week gets better. I LOVE you and miss hangin' out. Don't get too wild over here and start acting like a FLOOSEE! XO
Word Veri: Ulinsum "You ulinsum Chinee food! Ready in ten minute!"
Trying to envision the old guy in boxers, but just cannot bring it into focus. Probably glad I can't:)
you're having fun
enjoyed your post
happy 200th!
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