Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I was planning on lasagna for dinner last night, but I ended up with emergency care at about noon. And because of the state that the poor child came in, I was more involved with washing and scrubbing and combing, than I was with cooking a meal.
I was dog tired by the time I got the child somewhat presentable, ( I changed the bathwater 4 times, for goodness sakes!) so I thought I would just check online for a quick recipe that involved the stuff I had on hand... and then I realized that they all made it too complicated.

But kids (and men) have to eat... so I just threw together a fritatta.

I just chopped an onion and a bell pepper, (capsicum) cooked it a bit in the skillet,
added about a cup of grated zucchini,
a chopped up leftover baked potato,
some chopped fresh tomatoes
added a bit of salsa to the mix...
and then poured 8 beaten eggs (with a handful of grated cheese) over it, slighting stirring to get the eggs mixed in.
Then I baked it for about 35 minutes at 350F.

How easy is that?

I served it with warmed, buttered flour tortillas... and it was a hit with everyone.
There weren't any leftovers, either.


Karen Deborah said...

sounds good so where is the dirty child?

Tatersmama said...

@Karen Deborah... She's still here with me. It's sad, but at least she's warm and fed - and clean!

Marjie said...

Simple food is best, and eggs are good for hungry and sick people!

Tatersmama said...

@Marjie, this little one is both. Hear that noise? It's my heartstrings...*sigh*

Joolz said...

OMG! Thank the Lord for people like you. That poor child. The frittata and tortillas sound so good and yeah, my heartstrings are tugging too. Thankfully there are people like you to comfort the sick, hungry and lonely. Bless you!


Homestay Mama said...

Bless you, Tatersmama! That melody from your heartstrings is beautiful to the ears! Especially that poor child's ears!

The fritatta sounds wonderful. I think I'll try it! I'm always struggling to come up with ideas to feed my hungry homestay students!

The Wife said...

You ARE a woman of many talents!

Lil Mama said...

sounds good. I had corn flakes.

Gramma 2 Many said...

This sounds so good, I think I will try it for dinner tomorrow.

Terria said...

I feel for this poor child and am so glad she has you to care for her. The fritatta sounds delicious and like something I would like to make and enjoy often.

Libby's Library said...

Aaaaaawwww my dearest spud woman.
Because of people like you...I know that there is a God.

I am sooooooooo jealous, as I know that you, and the Raving One, will probably get together in April. Oh how I wish that you could make a detour - to Cajun Country, before you head back Oz. Just think of it...swamps, warm humid weather, mosquitoes as big as small birds. Doesn't it make you swoon? I can take you shopping...all the Crisco we can load in the car. SAM's Club has the stuff in GIANT containers!

LOL - but seriously...think about staying an extra few days. I'll cook for you, and clean for you, and entertain you with my sparkling wit and personality. I'll wait on you hand and foot, and love every minute of it!!!

Robynn's Ravings said...

Sounds yummy! I LOVE stuff like that, you clever woman.

And thanks for the toast. Don't worry about the cat hair. We call that roughage over here. It's on our food pyramid.

Love You!


Tatersmama said...

@Joolz... Now you stop that. It's ME who's blessed, believe me!
@Homestay Mama... TRY it, you'll LIKE it! lol! It's quick, simple and sooo versatile!
@The Wife... I cook occasionally and I tolerate kids, but that's my only talent. YOU, however.... *sigh*
@Lil Mama... Nuthin' wrong with cornflakes! It's actually my dinner of choice when I don't have people to feed. lol!
@Gramma 2 Many... Let me know what you think! It's so easy 'n tasty, that I'm almost tempted to make it again tonight!
@Terria Fleming... She was a sweetheart. *sigh* Unfortunately, I can't always keep 'em. :-(
Let me know if you try the! frittata!
@ My dearest Libby... Hun, I think it's the other way 'round. I know there is a God because of the gifts he sends to me. Even if the angels are a little dirty, sometimes. ;-)
You know, what you described (cajun country) sounds like right here in Oz, so maybe YOU need the break - and to come to CA???
I would absolutely LOVE that!!
@Robynn, Thank goodness you aren't too fussy! But then again, you put up with ME, doncha? And thank God that you do!! ;-)

farmlady said...

Now that's cookin' in a pinch. I love it.
So who is the little girl and why was she so dirty?

Tatersmama said...

@Farmlady... She's just a little girl I cared for months ago, when the mum went into rehab. Mum isn't coping too well at the moment, so she came looking for a safe place for the little one.
I don't make judgments, and the mother knows that.

Tania said...

You are one special woman Kate, taking care of those that need it the most.

You deserve an award!


Roslyn said...

Have you ever tried crockpot lasagna? Put in the pot in the morning & forget about it till dinner!
Hope the little one finds herself in a better place from now on.....neglect is abuse!


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