Or should that be: A pox be on you! ?
Well ...
something Shakespearean anyway. Or maybe I should just call it
Because good old William Shakespeare sure had a way with words, and could sum up some pretty nasty-ass stuff in just a few words.
Isn't that right?
And "out, damn'd spot" and "a pox be on you" are pretty damn'd apt right about
now.Because I have them.
Spots and the pox that is.
Better known as
chicken pox.And here I thought I was just getting a case of the
sniffles.Something I
never do.
Because see, I don't
get colds.
It has something to do with working with kids day in and day out, and dealing with their crummy little germs all the time... so I'm immune to just about everything now.
And I sure as heck don't get
pimples, either.
But last night when I was brushing my teeth, I looked in the mirror, I thought "holy sh**, Batman!!!" look at those 5 pimples on my forehead!
And I was shocked, because I just. Do.Not.
GET. pimples.
never ever did as a teenager, and I only got the occasional single, solitary "spot" every few years when I was in my 20's.
And my "20's" came and went
decades ago.
More decades than I care to count... to tell you the truth.
So... my poor little mind went into overtime, thinking that maybe I had forgotten to wash my face after the business meeting last Monday ( I tend to go 'all out' and slap on some make-up and lippy when I go to those things, so that I look half-way attractive)
But no... I
distinctly remember having a shower before bed that night, and doing the usual face-cleansing routine.
Maybe it was something I had
nooo... nothing out of the ordinary there
either.So when I got ready to get in the shower this morning, (because I had had a pretty sleepless, tossing-and-turning, sweaty night last night and I felt pretty icky and sticky) I checked my face...
And yep... the pimples were still
Bigger and badder than the day before.
And then I got undressed.
And got the shock of my life.
I have pimples on my chest.
I have them on my belly.
I have them on my arms.
And then I
remembered.This is all thanks to some dear, sweet, little un-nameable kid who had
had chicken pox the week that he was off on holidays.
Mom had called and told me that he had just
had them, but the spots were all gone by the end of the week...and she just wanted to know what the exclusion protocol for Family Day Care was.
So just to be on the
safe side and protect the babies, we had decided to keep him out of care for a further 2 days.
And by Monday, there were no more visible spots, the scabs were all gone, he had no cough or runny nose, and he was back to acting 100%...
So he came back into care on Wednesday.
But... I suppose from the
look of things, keeping him home for those 2 days was a complete and utter
waste.of.time.Because I had obviously been
exposed to them,
before he left... and the little booger had undoubtedly been incubating them the week
before he went on holidays!
I actually don't feel too bad right now.
I feel pretty normal, other than the sniffles and sneezing and looking like a geek with prom-night pimples.
But I have
Chicken Pox.If this affects my going away, in just
2 weeks time - in ANY way - I'm gonna be so damn'd
pissed off frustrated!

Out, out damn'd spot!
A pox be on you!!
Good news!
I called the chemist (pharmacist) first thing this morning, and he told me to pop right on in for some meds, but he would only give me the initial dose... since I had to see the quack for a proper diagnosis, and a complete script.
So I did that... then managed to see the quack within about 15 minutes.
I most definitely DO have chickenpox... but the meds should knock it on it's proverial ass butt, within just a day or so.
Because... I got the drugs, JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME!
I might not even have to miss any work.
Bummer that part though.
Ya know... I think I really have to start calling that dear, lovely, oh so sweet, doctor of mine "doctor"... instead of "quack".
Chicken Pox Treatment - Acyclovir
Acyclovir (Zovirax) is an anti-viral drug that may be used to treat chicken pox. In uncomplicated cases acyclovir taken 5 times a day has been shown to cause shorter periods of new lesion formation, fewer lesions, and more rapid healing but only if started within 24 to 48 hours of the onset of the rash.