lots more fresh fruits and veggies.

(the Irukandji is believed to be the most venomous creature in the world)
3. Salt Water Crocodile
5. Stone Fish
9. Great White Shark
Even the cute and funny looking little platypus' produces one of the most painful venom's known!
So boys?
I'll be sure to keep an eye out for any of these creatures and I'll stay far, far away from all of them...Okay? I promise.
And I'll see if I can't find some Australian animals books or some DVDs to send to you.
Oh.. and before I forget (not that I ever forget)....
Grummie and Grumpy LOVE you guys!
Aren't they just the cutest little things?
Pity about the results though, because I still have about 20 of 'em left... Lol!
Our lunch, yesterday.
Doesn't it just look mmmm, mmmmm GOOD???
The back is feeling absolutely GREAT today, 'cause my magician-slash-chiropractor worked absolute wonders yesterday morning, even going as far as using the industrial strength massager on me! (tho I was a bit worried as how my arse must have looked, jiggling like a frog in a blender!) And I think the additional walking has helped, as well... so I plan on keeping it up!
I'm off work all day today, (2 kids off on holiday, and the other 2 are sick) so I think I might just settle down with a book... after I get some more laundry done.
Oh, and maybe after I have another cuppa....
Because my mama didn't raise no fools!!
We had debated stopping off at Miz K and Mister R's place on the way home, (they're in the Costco neighborhood, the lucky ducks!) but I figured that Miz K was still at work since it was only a little after 3 o'clock and that Mister R was probably busy running around visiting friends, and doing important manly stuff (he's on shore leave)... So we didn't.
We should have though, since Mister R spotted us driving down the road and got his feelings hurt that we hadn't even called. He called Miz K - who then attempted to call me on my mobile, but phone-phobe that I am, I either didn't have it turned on, or the battery was flat. Or something.
I think it's just on vibrate, but try as I might, I just can't get the stinkin' thing to ring.
I keep it in my purse, but maybe I need to start carrying it in my pocket or something, so I at least feel it vibrate, and so I don't miss important calls from folks that I think the world of.
So anyway, if I can't figure my bloody mobile phone out - you gotta know that figuring out a super-duper coffee machine ... Well, it's way down on my list of things that I'm capable of learning.
But as soon as we got home... Omigosh!!! The Old Guy was like a kid on Christmas morning, getting into that "Delonghi Magnifica" coffee maker box, and reading the (about 40 pages long) coffee making instructions !!
Ooohing and ahhhing, and rattling off names like " long white and short white. Latte's and Lotto's and short blacks. Long blacks and cappuchinos and thingamajiggers.
Frankly, I didn't give a rats arse. Because I hurt. But I did my level best to seem interested.
I really did.
And I think I pulled it off pretty well, considering the back pain and all.
If they gave out Academy Awards for "acting like you give a sh** when you really don't give a sh**" ability, I swear I would have won yesterday.
Hands down.
No doubt about it.
Because "I just want the coffee, sweetheart... and please don't bother telling me how you made it.
But yesterday? When it came to the Old Guys happy, smiling face, and his practically palatable excitement over his new coffee machine?
Well, I have to admit that he almost always makes a bad day seem just that little bit better.
Or even a lot better.
There's just no resisting him - Or his excitement.
Because when my Old Guy smiles, the whole world smiles with him.
See, I know that I've got it good, and I know too, that God well and truly blessed me... when it comes to the Old Guy.
He really did.
I'm blessed... and love my guy to bits.
But it's now 6am.... and I have no danged coffee !!!
1,200 bucks and I'm still coffee-less!
Not that this is me... but this is the actual position I'm in right now.
Besides, I don't wear pink pants.
I will when I'm older, though.
Like 90.
See, the thing is... I spent most of the morning working and weeding in the yard and everything was great, right up until the end. I was almost done, and just picking of the last of the weeds for the compost pile, when something went "pop" in my lower back... and that was the end of that.
I can't stand upright, I can't take a deep breath, and I've been sitting around all night with a pack of peas on my back. But did I eat those peas? No... you can bet your sweet bippy that I did not.
I had McDonald's for dinner. A healthy(er) choice of course. Really. A Caesar Salad wrap and a glass of iced tea.
And for dessert, I had 2 extra-strength Nurofen.
We'll see how it goes tomorrow, and if I can stand up straight enough to take a full length photo, instead of just a pic of my knee caps, maybe I can post that potentially gag inducing pic after all.
Don't hold your breath though.
Yay for the weekend!
I'm more than ready for it this week, let me tell you! It's my regularly scheduled "on" weekend, but the kids I would normally have, aren't coming... so I have today and tomorrow to myself. And I still get paid for it! How good is that?
Which now gives me a chance to run the whipper-snipper over these legs of mine, and see if I can't find some Spackle, to cover the varicose veins and the dimples in my knees!
Okay... now on to the boring shite -
Day 4, of the 30-day Throw Down...
Breakfast: A small bowl of Malto Meal and a bran muffin, with a banana, and half a pot of coffee.
Morning tea: bell pepper strips, rice crackers and some Jarlsberg cheese