Friday, January 30, 2009

The Concert

I know I promised to share my thoughts about the Neil Young concert with you, but I'm finding it hard. I'm still kind of speechless and I'm still processing it... if that makes any sense?
Like a treasured memory or gift that you just want to hold tight to yourself and not share, because sharing it will cause it to be diluted or lessened in some way.
Is that nuts, or what?

I can share the external parts, like what the concert was like, and the people watching part that I was reveling in, but the internal parts about how it affected me, well... that's a little harder to do, I think. I just don't have the words. I'll try though.

Neil Young is simply... Neil Young. His voice was instantly identifiable, with no change whatsoever in the last 30 years. The minute I heard that voice again, something inside me just panged. I was transported back 36 years - all in a heartbeat.
It was bittersweet.. it hurt... but at the same time, it just felt so damned good, you know? I felt raw and exposed, but soothed by the balm of changeless-ness at the same time. I went "home" again.

Some of the highlights for me included, Cinnamon Girl, Words, One of These Days, Cortez, Mother Earth and Unknown Legend. I would have loved to of heard "Old Man" or "Hey Hey, My My", but he couldn't have crammed in everything I was hoping to hear. What we got, was perfect in every way... and to be honest, I'm still floating.

He still "looks" the same, although it's been decades and he has aged a bit. But not in a bad way at all. He seems to have a "patina" now that he didn't have 3+ decades ago, and if his classmates didn't know that he was a legendary musician, he would be instantly identifiable at his high school reunion - because he's mellowed a bit, maturity-wise and looks-wise, but he hasn't changed at all. The man is, and will always be "the man".
He was dignified, relevant and honest, just like he's always been... but wow, he threw in some doozies and arse-kickers on Wednesday night, that just took my breath away.
I've never in my life seen, or heard, him do any song less than exquisitely, and the concert the other night was no exception. I just love how he can slightly "change" the delivery of a song, but the meaning and impact is always the same.

Neil Young, to me, is just one of those rare, enduring, musicians for whom the term “ music legend” is more of an under-statement, than it is an over-statement ...and I still love him to pieces.

I've heard that CSN&Y will be doing an Australian/ New Zealand tour later in the year, and I will definitely booking again! I don't know if it's true... but if it is, it would be fantastic!


Jan said...

What is not to love about Neil Young?? I swear I could butter his butt and put him on a biscuit.

Tatersmama said...

It's a good thing he has 2 butt cheeks then. Because I want my share. ;-)

Sooziebelle said...

SO glad you had such a nice experience at the concert! I was worried that the horrible heat was going to somehow take away some of the enjoyment, or worse yet, leave you in a heat-stress-induced puddle! Sounds like a really great time and I can *feel* that it was really special for you.

Isn't it funny how the more things change, the more they stay the same ?? Or ... we all change over time, but sometimes bits and pieces seem to stay perfectly intact, kind of like what happens when a capsicum ripens. It is the same fruit, but changes in appearance and flavour as it stays on the vine.

I dunno! The heat's still got me acting "fruity" up here!

I'll let you and Jan fight over his butt cheeks!

Tatersmama said...

The heat was pretty horrible, but it was all WELL worth it. It was just magical :-)

We've got a bit of a cool change coming through right now and the storm clouds are building, so hopefully, we can get some rain tonight.
Keepin' it cool...

Dana said...

So glad you had a good time! I've never seen Neil Young in concert but have seen C, S & N four times. Always worth it, particularly the all-accoustic set they did during the Southern Cross tour. I think I was fifteen. What a great memory. So glad I didn't end up marrying the guy I was with! Hope the weather breaks!

Libby's Library said...

I like that...not aging, but developing a "patina"! I'll have to remember that one.

Robynn's Ravings said...

I think you did a GREAT job describing the feeling. I have never been able to articulate the "hurt" that comes with hearing certain music that moves me from way back when. But it's just that. It feels like overwhelming G-force. Hurts so good. That was beautifully put. Glad you had the experience.

pam said... hear Cinnamon Girl live!!!

Tatersmama said...

I think I've got the bug now. I went cruising for tickets and came across Jackson Brown and Chris Isaak playing locally in the next month, so I'm going to check my schedule and see if I'm off or not!

Anonymous said...

I love Neil Young's music too.
I understand exactly how you felt. I was just thinking the other day when I was listening to my classic rock(that's what used to be called oldies) station.
I felt like I was that free spirited 16 year old driving down the highway. Bittersweet for sure.
Good post!

The W.O.W. factor! said...

I'm so jealous! Would love to have gone!!!


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