In just a few days, I'll be racking up my 200th post... so there will be another little giveaway happening. ( I know... Be still my beating heart!)
This one will be a tad more organized, but after all this time, you should know me well enough to know that sometimes, my best just isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Numerous posts in the past have proven that little point!
I'm just amazed ( and a little worried) that you seem to keep coming back. Well, not worried in the way that you're a potentially dangerous, stalker-ish type of person.
But more along the lines of you must live pretty sad, uneventful lives to keep coming back here to read my drivelings on a regular basis.
But I have to say - I'm just glad you do!
Really glad !!!
Anyway, the next little giveaway will be done by randomly chosing a commenter on the 200th post ...
And because I have no idea how to find - or use - one of those super-duper, random generator thingies, I'll do it the old fashioned way.
You know.
Simple mind... simple techniques.
I'll print out the comments, place them in a hat and have the Old Guy pick one out.
Anything harder than that would just confuse him.
Anything harder than that would confuse me.
So, keep your eyes peeled for that 200th post !
Looking forward to your 200th!! And not just for the giveaway...but because I love reading your posts! :)
Hmmm..talk about 'sad lives'...I'm struggling to hit 130 posts! Think I've only done 29 since I "met you"!
But....for a prize?? Since I missed out on the last one, I'll do anything this time...just to complicate your life more! :=}
I hate my internet and cable provider. I typed a comment about why I come back everyday to read your blog and then my internet went out. Then I typed you another comment and tried one of those typed out flowers. I posted it, well that didn't work it was all smooshed together so I deleted it. Third times a charm. But now I'm frustrated and can't remember what I typed. Si I'll just say
You're so funny! I didn't celebrate my 100th, I totally forgot. Maybe I can remember to do something for my 1st anniversary.
Si? Oh for pete sakes! I give up!
Andrea, Thank you! I love reading yours too!
Barb, I just have one word for you. Sam. Send Sam! ;-)
Sherri, Well they say it's the thought that counts, so don't stress over it!
I LOVE YOU right back!!
Nancy, It's never too late...;-)
Beside with the diapers and all, it's no wonder you forgot! LOL!
Sherri... send it to my email. Maybe the flower won't get smooshed that way! ;-)
I would hardly consider your blog drivelings. I find it very amusing and fun. I will continue to read it and don't really need to win but I must say it would be fun. Keep up the good work.
yea! what fun!
I deserve a prize too. My word is kattisee and that is very special.
200 posts. Wow! I am impressed my friend. I look forward to celebrating 2000 down the road too.
Yipee, can't wait, but not fair, you post when I sleep? Or is that when you can't sleep? I don't know I'm confused!
Just wanted to say that's a nice photo of you and the old fellow kicking up your heels...ha ha ha ha ha ha........(o.k not funny)he..he..
Your posts bring a smile upon our faces. Looking forward to your next 200 posts.
How did I miss all the fun??? I always look forward to reading what my friend Down Under has to say. It is really neat to have a friend in another country, I always waned a penpal when I was younger and now I found her! This doesn't sound creepy does it?
Wow, getting close to the big two-zero-zero!?! Good for you! I'm on 156 and looking to slow down just a tad as other things (chores)can get forgotten... but, then I find myself coming back ...this blogging thing is addictive!
My 200th post is creeping up too! Yay for us!
I might get to 200 posts in another year or so. I can't whip out a post every day, like you do, and have them come anywhere near being as clever, interesting, or humorous as yours always are!
Katie, my friend, you were meant to be a writer!
are you telling me i missed a giveaway?? DOH!! i hate being busy...i mean i like it...but i hate it...grrr next time throw something at me.....let me know!
I blinked and missed that last give-away! Hoping for a shot on this one!
Congrats on your 200th to be !
Oh, Katie....I come back for EVERY post! Wouldn't miss it in my sad little life! What would life be without you, me, and Nacho?!
And I LOVE your writing. You write from the heart and always keep me glued to the screen whether you're making me laugh, cry, or get spittin' mad. HOWEVER!!!!!
For your 200th post, may we have a picture of YOU?! If you're like me, you hate photos of yourself but WE LOVE YOU! We just want to put a face with the words. You just might be famous one of these days and then you'll be on the cover of the Enquirer! (Heaven help us.) So get used to it now!
You can always come play at the Pond!
Kathy, Lol at being "amusing". That kind of reminds me of my Jr High School Spanish techer who wrote on my report card that I wasn't very good at Spanish, but I was at least *earnest*. ;-)
Kit, read the latest post and you'll change that to *funk*!
Rubbies, You already have the prize. Me and those precious babies... who could ask for more? *SNORT*
Marilyn, depending on where you're at, I'm posting at 5 in the morning and you're just eating lunch or dinner. It makes my head spin!
Mandy, That's an old photo of me and the Old Guy.... but thank you. I think we've retained our youthfulness. ;-)
Becky, Girl, there's more coming, so just hold your hosses... ;-)
Bz, Chores? What are they? I know I let a lot slide around here, but hey, aren;t we worth it? ;-) But then again, when you have a special little Someone, time IS precious, isn't it?
Narelle, And to think that you and Tania encouraged me to do this... LOL!
*hugs* and BIG thanks for being my friend!
Homestay Mama,,, Stop... I'm blushing here!!!. Those words mean the world to me especially coming from you, but I think you're sadly mistaken!
Staci, I was a bit late myself, but you've got plenty of warning for the next one!!
ladyfi, That will teach you for blinking...lol! The next one will be delayed a bit, but I'll get there!!
Robynn, Your kind words make me want to rip my blouse... Besides, I'm not listening to you. You’re crazy. ;-)
The Blonde Duck... I came for a paddle at the pond today, and I'm still craving pie!!
So proud of you for getting to this milestone. I just went over 100 and can't believe it. You are always a blast to read. Can't wait to see what happens in the next 200 posts down under. And really cute pup in the photo!
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