Yup, it's school holidays here... and I've been up to my ears in rug-rats.
Big ones, small ones, toilet trained ones and those who don't have a clue... and just poo in their nappies with wild abandon.
Small, smelly, fiddly, fussy people who want to do this.... no, wait I want to do that instead... she touched my paper... no, she touched my paper... I want more paint please...she's eating my paint... I don't want a nap.. I'm too BIG for naps... Taters, can you hear that? the baby is crying... somebody is at the door... make him give that back... I'm hungry... I want to go home... I never want to go home, because this is so much fun and I WUV OOO!
Nice, but not nice... ya know what I mean?
I just thank God that I can send them home at the end of the day,
because by the end of the day,
I can fully and completely understand why some species eat their young!
But today, as a way to celebrate their (semi) good behavior and as a way to get me out of the house, so that I can see other grown-ups and gaze longingly at people who aren't going around the twist... people with clean, unmarked clothes and nice hair that isn't standing on end with some sort of freaky purple something stuck in it... I'm going on an outting!
Yes, we're going to McDonald's !

I'm goin' IN ...with 7 children !!! 1,2, 3, 6, 8,8 and 9... and all girls!
This quick little treat means dragging out the double stroller and loading it with 2 little ones and assorted crap, pushing 1 wheelchair and the rest will be walking and carrying the rest of the "this stuff is absolutely necessary if we want to leave the house for 5 minutes" assorted crap.
All to go one block.
For lunch.
If I don't return, please contact McDonalds.
They should be able to give you the phone number of the psyche unit.
Do they fry their fries in Crisco there?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah - this reminds me of the good old days, when all my kids were small.
What a nice thing for you to do. You sure are brave! And you only live a block from McDonald's?? That would be bad for me, I love those baked apple pies and fish filet sandwiches! Not together though!
Oh my! I wish you well!
I wish I could say I envy you, but I don't. It's bad enough my house will be full of loud mouth teenage boy's (my house happens to be the hang out)but at least they won't be roaming the streets.
BTW, I wonder if some species think their young taste like chicken? They might if they fried them in...oh let say...crisco!
hahaha sorry Neas didn't mean to step on your crisco bit, but I couldn't resist :D
I love the egg mcmuffins and iced tea.
My kids loved the golden arches and always hollered for me to stop when they were little.it too.
Eek, seven small children and McDonald's! I didn't know you wrote horror stories =) I do quite love babysitting, but that sounds like a scary combination...
See ... I told you you're insane.
I do the drive through and we eat at home. I can't fit in the silly little playground to drag the kids out so that we can leave the place. If you're not back by closing - that's where I'll look.
Are you crazy?? I won't even take the littlies anywhere near any shops, let alone seven of them, the most I would have is four. I guess being girls they are a lot better behaved you would hope so anyway!
School holidays don't start until next week here, and I have taken them off and will be flying to Perth on Saturday for nine days, yippee!!
When I get back I will be working again full time. Next school holidays I have taken off as well and will be headed over your way, to Victoria.
Hope you survived the bedlam and have arrived home safely with all seven little cherubs and with no extra's or any missing.
Tatersmama, you are one brave and strong woman! I couldn't do what you do!
Enjoy!!! ( going out and eating out I mean!)
Do have fun! Outings tire kids out too, you know!
I bet the kids just love you!
Hi Katie
I don't need the number for the psych unit I already have it any time you want it ring me...
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