And yes, I'm spruiking for her!
Now for those who don't know what spruiking is... it's standing up in public place and sharing /encouraging/ people to check out the "specials" inside - usually with the aid of a megaphone.
Well, I don't have a megaphone and even if I did, with my kids around, I would have taken out the batteries long ago.
So I'm just telling you, okay?
Narelle (from Moments for Mum) and I have been friends for quite a while now .... and I think the world of her.
She's warm and funny and feisty and down to earth... and when we've spoken on the phone, (we're in the same biz, so we have a lot to talk about, as you can imagine)
I always come away with a warm, fuzzy feeling, you know?
A big smile on my face because she touches me.
But she has a serious side. And that serious side has written a book... which is being launched next weekend! And the book is called.... "Moments for Mum".
(YAY Narelle! You GO girl!!)
And as part of the celebrations leading up to the book launch, Narelle is having a little giveaway over at her blog... and I would love for y'all to head over there, check her out and leave a comment as a show of support.
This is what she sent to me just last night:
To celebrate the launch of my book next weekend I'm having a little give-away on my blog. It's just a little package of goodies, which includes a copy of my book, and to win all you have to do is leave a comment!
Which is what I just said in the first place.
But it's worth saying twice.
Although maybe she said it better.
So please... head on over there and check out not only her blog Moments for Mum
(which is worth reading, even if there wasn't a giveaway going on)
but her first book "Moments for Mum" as well.
I would love to see a huge show of support for a wonderful, funny, warm woman who has touched my heart and inspired me... in so many ways.
Narelle has taken the risk if putting herself out there and following her dream of writing a book, (which is something I will never have the gumption to do) but she's done it with style and grace... so let's show this girl some support!
(oh... and get in on the giveaway while you're at it!)
Just click >>>HERE<<<
In a Vase on Monday: Winter Gems
1 day ago
Okay, okay, twist my arm and make me go check her out...
You keep on spruiking for your friends and I'll go see what's happening over at Moments for Mum.
Heading over there now...I've visited her blog before. What a great friend you are! :)
Helen, Honey, I wouldn't twist your arm... especially in the state you're in, you being sick and all. ;-)
(you thought I was gonna say old gal, didn't you?) ;-)
Andrea, This is what I LOVE about blogging... the impact and joy that "friends" you've never even met before, can bring into your life.
Katie you're a sweetheart.
Now you know I feel exactly the same about you and our phone calls don't you!? That's why I love your blog too, when we're not calling I can catch up with you this way.
You always make me smile and always lighten my load.
Thanks for being a great friend and encouraging me through some tough times. Thanks for your support of my blog and book.
Thanks for spruiking for me!
You're a legend and I love ya.
Huge big hugs and I can return the favour when you hit the big 200!
Now you've taken someone who loves words, shaken me out my the pockets, and shown me a word I've NEVER heard of. LOVE that! What a WEIRD word!
Narelle is definitely worth visiting again and I'll head right over there. And good for her for, as you say, having the GUMPTION to actually do it! Hooray!
You know I HAD to go to to look that "spruiking " word up. I can't help it, I'm a "Red Pen" according to one of my Friday's quizzes. Wow, what a neat word and so nice of you do that word for someone. :-) I'm heading on over that way!
Hun you don't need no batteries in your megaphone. Your heart is big enough to be heard as it is. (You thought I was gonna insult you, didn't you?)
I've been over to Moments For Mum - boy I missed her when she was off line. If you win, I'll be suspicious now though ... what with the spruiking and gumption and everything. ;)
Narelle, Yeah I know. I'm just irresistible, aren't I? *SNORT*
I Love ya girl.. and I wish you every blessing with your new venture. I'm just so proud...
(oh, and I would like my copies autographed, please! So I can say I knew you when...)
Robynn, Isn't it weird??? I love finding the origins of words, and this one just has me shaking my head! I LOVE it, and c'mon now... just how often do you get to spruik?
Bz, Did you look it up in an actual dictionary? I looked it up on-line to double check the spelling and I had a hard time finding it!
Spruik spruik spruik.... isn't it COOL?
Rubies, Of course I though you were gonna insult me again!! What else would I expect from someone who tells everyone I have a drinking problem and I beg for food scraps?
Not that those things are necessarily untrue... but now thanks to you, I'm gaining a reputation in some circles!!
Ooh I'm rubies today tatters. You mustn't love me anymore. Or is it just elsewhere we use our pet names? Oo-la-la.
(wish I could lmao but every time I move, the damn thing follows)
I'm still in the bar and someone's brought ANZAC bickies in for dinner ... or is it an ANZAC himself.
Now I want you to put the word 'aflunters' in a sentence. Man I love that word.
Rubies, Yes it's only elsewhere that we use our little pet names for each other. I still love ya though.
Now "aflunters"... That's easy peasey.
"I would have answered this question much more coherently, but big words make my head go all aflunters."
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