The friend that means the world to me...
The one with the ummm..... interesting dress sense?
The coffee sloshing, false teeth falling out, chocoholic who cherishes me and who give the world's best "rocking back and forth, rib squeezing" hugs?
(see here )
Well, for some reason, she felt the need to come and see me today and man, am I ever glad that she did !
Lee just has a way of making my day worthwhile and putting a smile on my face - and she did it again today.
She said that she knew that I needed her today, so she dropped what she was doing ( a friend who will give up their soap-operas for you, is a friend indeed) and she came over, loaded with chocolate!
And this time she shared the good stuff!
We drank endless cups of coffee, got into her stash of chocolate - and we talked... and talked... and talked.
About important things, silly things and even the best way to cook steel-cut oats. Like she even eats oats... yeah, right.
Because I've never seen her eat anything but her beloved chocolate. Which she shared today... and she even shared the good imported stuff for a change. Today was my lucky day.
But there were times when we just sat there and never said a word, because with Lee, sometimes it just goes beyond words... And the silence can be just as soothing and healing, as talking things through can be.
I asked her if I could share her picture with y'all, and she agreed... and only asked that I not show her skinny legs. Unfortunately, her skinny legs are attached to the rest of her and I couldn't find a way of blanking them out.
She said she would forgive me though.
I love this woman to pieces and sometimes I just can't get over how very blessed I am to have her in my life.
"A friend is someone who reaches out for your hand...and touches your heart."
That's my Lee Lou-Belle...
More Disney
1 day ago
Fabulous! So glad you got a pick-me-up today!
I'm so glad you have Lee in your life. She sounds like a wonderful friend.
*Hugs* to both of you!
Do you think she would like a trip to WA? I want to borrow her!
Isn't it funny how some people just 'know' when they are needed?
A friend with chocolate is a good friend indeed.
So glad you got to have a good day with your friend... you needed that! :)
OMGoodness, she's really real?
Truth is stranger that fiction!!!
I'm so glad that you got a break, and made some time to laugh and relax.
Love you Katie Tatie!!
You know it's people like her, ones that don't care about all of the airs we put on because of society (shaving legs... honestly, I wouldn't do it weren't for all that would see when I wear shorts!)... it's people like her that are so NEAT -because when it comes down to the bare nakedness of our existence... all that other stuff REALLY doesn't matter.
Glad you got her.
Everyone should be so luck to have a friend like Lee. She must really love you to let you take her picture and post it to the whole wide world! Libby isn't going take mine! Give yourself a gianormic hug from me! Happy Valentine's day!!
Oh.....I LIKE Lee.
I like that she has beautiful thin legs yet worries we'll judge her and think they're skinny. (Tell her I'd kill for those legs.)
I love her dear face in the photo - so open and unassuming.
I like that she offers you comfort food in the form of chocolate.
I love that her heart strings are tied to yours and she could feel them pulling - mightily - in the last few days and followed their lead.
I love how beautiful she is - inside and out.
And I love that she is your friend. You are blessed.....
And so is she.
She doesn't look anything like what I had imagined. I was expecting the wicked witch of the west, and instead we get my Aunt Joan with blond hair....hahaha Glad your day got better :)
I am so glad you have a Lee Lou Belle in your life. Everyone should have that type of friend In the south we call them the "help you hide the body friend." Not that the friendship ever reaches that point, but it is good knowing that you have a person you can trust that much!
you have an award at my blog!! Come get it!!
I am so glad you got to visit with your friend today. We ladies need our friends- and friends that share chocolate are the best kind!
Wish I lived closer I bring over some reese cups and visit for a while!!
Kurichan, Me too! It's been 2 weeks since I was in the company of such a *comfortable* friend. :-)
Homestay Mama, I've been blessed in so many ways.. *hugs* backatcha!
Narelle, Lee would go anywhere for chocolate and I know she would just LOVE you like I do!!
Rubies, Isn't it amazing how she just *knew*? I just love how she knows me so well and she still loves me in spite of it. ;-)
Andrea, Thanks... sometimes the little things can just mean so much, can't they?
Libby, Uh huh.. she's really real. Is Percy? LOL! ;-)
Bz, Wouldn't it be wonderful to be that relaxed and somehow so *unaware*? Maybe we should start a no-shaving trend? I would be on that one like a duck on a June-bug!!
Sassy, I think you've got a friend like that already. ;-)
But do you *really* know what Libby is up to when you're sleeping? Hide the camera is all I'm sayin'... *snort*
Robynn, Isn't she wonderful? And those legs??? OMG I haven't had legs like that since my 30's!!... And just look at those eyes. :-)
I've been blessed and even moreso with some darn good blogging friends! ;-)
Sherri, Does you Aunt Joan spit her false teeth across the table too??? I'm so glad that I'm a part of your family now! LOL!
Treehouse, Oh, she's definitely that! I would do anything for this woman and she would do the same for me. :-)
Angelena, If you were closer, *I* would supply the Reeces... just to celebrate the good company!
Staci, Moi? You have an award for moi? (ya gotta be Aussie to understand that one...LOL!)
It is so awesome that you have a friend who will share chocolate with you. That is real friendship right there. I know, I don't share the good stuff with just anyone. I'm glad she helped you to feel better!
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